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As HUGE Dark Souls fans, we have been privileged to work with the game over many years, and through its various iterations.



Creative Development



Bandai Namco Entertainment

Bandai Namco


On more than one occasion, Bandai Namco have summoned us to Lordran to help them communicate this epic game series


We worked extensively within the game engine to choreograph and capture incredible sequences of action for games such as Dark Souls Remastered, and Dark Souls 3.

Working with such a complex and loved series required an incredible eye for detail in the game capture process in order to reflect the complexity and challenge of the game.

To do this, we utilised the full extent of the toolset in the proprietary engine to capture content that the incredibly engaged community would find both authentic and aspirational.

The Results

The Dark Souls series has gone onto the define it's own genre 'Souls-like', and we are honoured to have played a small part in that incredible journey.

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